• Question: What is your IQ?

    Asked by mukherjeeman101 to Jack, Jon, Tom, Yalda on 14 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Tom Branson

      Tom Branson answered on 14 Mar 2013:

      I don’t know, I’ve not done a test since I as in school, but I think it was something just above 100 then. I think 100 is average.

      But IQ tests only test cerrtain things and are not really a good way of seeing how smart or funny or sporty or arty you are.

    • Photo: Yalda Javadi

      Yalda Javadi answered on 14 Mar 2013:

      No idea! I’m gonna guess and say 200! 😛

    • Photo: Jack Heal

      Jack Heal answered on 14 Mar 2013:

      I haven’t done an IQ test for years either so I’ll also guess and say it’s about average. The thing is with IQ tests, if you do a lot of them then you will get better at them and your score will go up and up. I don’t think this really means that your intelligence goes up and up, and so they’re not necessarily the best measure of how intelligent someone is. Having said that, I remember thinking they were pretty fun so perhaps I’ll try one later!

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 14 Mar 2013:

      Sometimes I think it must be really low as I can do some very dim things (locking myself out of the house, falling over pretty much anything, not spotting embarrassing typos when sending emails, clicking links I shouldn’t – /drugsm13-zone/2013/03/14/why-does-doing-the-harlem-shake-make-you-dance-about-uncontrollabely/…the list goes on). All of which goes to show you don’t need to be a brainbox to be a scientist!

    • Photo: Jon Marles-Wright

      Jon Marles-Wright answered on 17 Mar 2013:

      I haven’t done an IQ test for ages, but whatever it is, it is less now than it was then. IQ tests aren’t a good measure of general intelligence, they test very specific mental skills that are biased towards western teaching methods.
