• Question: What uses would your research with protein toxins have? Would the 'clever carbohydrates' be used medically?

    Asked by dunneyjim to Tom on 9 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Tom Branson

      Tom Branson answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      Yes definitely, to fight against diseases. The idea is that my carbohydrates are designed to bind tightly to the protein toxins which will stop them interacting with natural carbohydrates that are on your cells.

      Cholera works like this, with 5 binding sites on each toxin which makes it really good at binding to your cells. To prevent this from happening, I have designed carbohydrates that can fill up all the 5 binding sites at once and so if you are infected the toxin should pass through your body harmlessly and not make you ill.
