• Question: Why do you like making drugs?

    Asked by maddie246 to Jack, Jon, Tom, Yalda on 8 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Jon Marles-Wright

      Jon Marles-Wright answered on 8 Mar 2013:

      No one likes disease and being a scientist interested in how drugs work, it is a really satisfying way to make a difference to people’s health.

    • Photo: Tom Branson

      Tom Branson answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      When you design and make a drug you have to see how it interacts with the body and exactly what it is doing. Otherwise you get bad side effects or it just doesn’t work at all. So it is a really interesting way at looking at how biology and chemistry mix. And it’s great to know that you are helping people too.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      I don’t design drugs – but I like people who do because it means I will always have drugs to write about. That and they save lives.

    • Photo: Jack Heal

      Jack Heal answered on 10 Mar 2013:

      Trying to stop a disease is a really difficult problem and designing drugs is part of that. It’s good to be a small part of a big team fight Vs illness

    • Photo: Yalda Javadi

      Yalda Javadi answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      I don’t actually make drugs, but see how they react with certain cells. I like people that make drugs because after all their hard work, I can play around in the lab with them and find out cool important stuff!
