• Question: Why should i vote for you?

    Asked by dal09i to Jack, Jon, Tom, Yalda on 8 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 8 Mar 2013:

      Because I’d really like to be able to show school kids that actually there’s more to science than lab coats and experiments. Just because you like English or history or French, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy science too.

      EDIT – after my first session today, I’m really fired up. It was great to hear all your crazy questions and it really made me think about biology topics I haven’t thought about for a while. It would be awesome to be able to visit schools and talk to young people about what science does for them now, and what they could so with science in the future.

    • Photo: Tom Branson

      Tom Branson answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      Because I really want to help school students like yourself get a wider view of science and not just what you see in the classroom. I want to show you how University research works and how what you are learning now is really relevent to making the world a better place for everybody – that’s what science is all about.

    • Photo: Jon Marles-Wright

      Jon Marles-Wright answered on 9 Mar 2013:

      Because I think it important that school students get to see how science works in labs and how what we do has a really wide reach into everyday life. Plus, I think it is great to see school students interested in science and I want to help keep that interest going right up to leaving school. Even if students don’t go on to study science at uni, or have a job in science, I think knowing about how it works can help you appreciate medicine and technology and all the things we take for granted about nature.

    • Photo: Yalda Javadi

      Yalda Javadi answered on 10 Mar 2013:

      It all about getting school kids into science… especially those who haven’t had the same chances in life. I’d absolutely love to go and help develop science in schools in Ghana with the Lightyear Foundation during their two-week roadshow.

    • Photo: Jack Heal

      Jack Heal answered on 14 Mar 2013:

      It’s really important that students throughout the world get the chance to learn science. I’d like to help people in poorer places get similar opportunities to the ones we’re lucky to get here. That’s what the charity Taste for Science is all about. You can see their website here: http://www.tasteforscience.org/
